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Institute of Experimental Immunology Advanced Gene Targeting Facility

Generation of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) transgenes

BAC trangenes are a rather novel tool in the toolbox for transgenesis in mammals. The advantage of BAC transgenes lies in the fact that in most cases all promoter elements are present without their prior characterisation. Also, BAC transgenes integrate with lower copy numbers and are less position-dependent than conventional transgenes. In comparison to targeted insertion by homologous recombination in ES cells the generation of a BAC transgene is easy and fast. They also do not lead to a knockout allele of the respective gene.

The AGTF does not yet offer the generation of BAC transgenes as full service but supports researchers in the planning and generation of BAC transgenes on many levels. During the Mouse Makers Club we discuss the strategies and different options in making such mice. We have generated a protocol which by now has been used by a number of researchers in Zurich (for the protocol: e-mail to Also, we supply the respective plasmids and bacteria for the recombination process (Copeland and E/T cloning). Our collection of integration cassettes allows the easy generation of different BAC transgenes (see list below). Once you have purified your BAC transgene it will be injected by the TRT lab (Pawel Pelczar (044-255-37 37)).

Construct Function
Cre frt Kan(R) frt Cre expression
iCre frt Kan(R) frt Cre expression
CreERt2 frt Kan(R) frt tamoxifen-inducible Cre
tdTomato frt Kan(R) frt strong red fluorescent color
dsRED-Mst frt Kan(R) frt red fluorescent color at plasma membrane
Mst-tdTomato frt Kan(R) frt strong red fluorescent color at the plasma membrane
lacZ frt Kan(R) frt b-Gal expression, histological staining of cells with X-Gal
tdTomato-pest 2A Cre frt Kan(R) frt short half life red color + Cre
CreDo and CreAc frt Kan(R) frt Cre expression in dual marker populations
loxP STOP Kan(R) loxP-DTR Cre inducible DTR expression (dual marker)
loxP STOP Kan(R) loxP inducible gene expression
ChR2-mCherry frt Kan(R) frt Light-inducible cation channel

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