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Institute of Experimental Immunology


Prof. Dr. Maries van den Broek


Prof. Maries van den Broek

Maries van den Broek studied biology at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands with a focus on biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology. In 1988, she received her Ph.D. from the same university on mechanisms underlying the chronicity of rheumatoid arthritis. Maries performed her postdoctoral training in several laboratories, where she worked on malaria (Joep Meuwissen, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (Lucien Aarden, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
In 1994, she moved to Zurich to work as a principal investigator on anti-viral immunity and T-cell tolerance (Rolf Zinkernagel, Hans Hengartner, University of Zurich, Switzerland). From 2009 until 2013, Maries headed the Laboratory of Tumorimmunology in the Department of Oncology (University Hospital Zurich).
In 2013, her group became an independent research unit in the Institute of Experimental Immunology (University of Zurich). Her lab performed basic research to better understand the interaction between cancer and the immune system.
From 2019 until her retirement in 2025, Maries served as Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich.
Maries will remain affiliated with the UZH as an Ombudsperson and will take up office in August 2025.
Maries’ passions are basic science, rowing, theater, singing, and her (grand)children.
Her motto: “If you want to catch a fish, you need to go fishing”.

Prof. Maries van den Broek, Ph.D.

CV Prof. Maries van den Broek (PDF, 87 KB)
Publications (PDF, 162 KB)
Past lab members (PDF, 81 KB)

Prof. Adriano Fontana


Prof. Adriano Fontana

"Discovered the immunsuppressive features gliblastoma-derived TGFb"


Prof. Hans Hengartner


Prof. Hans Hengartner

"Pioneer in investigations on the molecular mechanisms of cytolysis mediated by T-cells"


Prof. Rolf Zinkernagel


Prof. Rolf Zinkernagel

"Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1996 for the discovery concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence link"